Elitestake - Buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and more...



1.2. Elitestake’s products and services include the website Elitestake.org (the “Site”), which offers: • Digital Currency related content (the “Publications”); • the opportunity to purchase Digital Currency in exchange for Fiat Money and/or sell Digital Currency in exchange for Fiat Money (the “Transactional Functions”); • the opportunity to exchange some Crypto Assets for certain other Crypto Assets (the “Swap Function”); and • a non-custodial Wallet Service app for certain Crypto Assets (the “Elitest Stake Wallet”).

1.3. Transactional Functions are offered to Members (as defined below) on the Site by any of the operators (“Operators”) as follows: (a) Elitestake.org CA Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of Ontario, Canada with a registered office at 100-55 Albert St., Markham, ON L3P 2T4, Canada (“Elitestake.org Operator”), or; (b) a third-party service provider (“Third-Party Service Provider”), at Coinmama’s discretion.

1.3.1. Elitestake.org Operator shall NOT provide any Services in Restricted Locations and TPT Locations (both, as defined below).

1.3.2. Certain supplemental Third Party Services (as defined below), administered wholly by and under the terms of service of Third-Party Service Providers, may be offered and made available to you on your Account in connection with the Services.

1.3.3. The opportunity to engage in Transactional Functions (including in TPT Locations as defined below) using Third-Party Service Providers (the “Third Party Transactions”) may be made available to you on the Site.

1.4. Transactional Functions provided by Elitestake.org Operator and the Elitest Stake Wallet service shall be referred, severally and jointly, as the “Services”.

1.5. The Publications on the Site are provided by New Bit Ventures Ltd., an affiliate of Elitestake.org Operator.

1.6. Elitestake.org CA Inc. and New Bit Ventures Ltd. shall be referred to as “us,” “we,” “our,” “Company,” or “Coinmama“.

1.7. The users of the Site shall be referred to as “you,” “your” or “yourself”.

1.8. By using this Site, and/or by consuming our Publications, and/or by registering to use our Services, you accept and agree to comply with these terms and conditions governing your use of the Site and the Services (the “Terms of Use”). You should read the entire Terms of Use carefully before you use the Site or any of the Services. If you do not agree to any term of these Terms of Use, you are forbidden to use the Site and the Services.

1.9. You acknowledge that the privacy policy (made available on the Site at https://www.Elitestake.org/privacy) (the “Privacy Policy”), is an integral part of these Terms of Use, and by using the Services, you also agree that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms of the Privacy Policy.

1.10. You further acknowledge that: (i) Company does not have a trading platform, nor does it maintain any investment portfolios; (ii) Company is not associated with any third-party trading-related services or brokers; (iii) Company is not a payment services provider, nor does it act as a payment services provider or process any payments whatsoever; (iv) Company does not provide investment or financial advice or consulting services; (v) Company does not accept deposits from users, hold user funds, or keep a balance or credit of any sort (in Fiat Money or Digital Currency).

2. Account Eligibility

2.1. By opening an account to use the Services (the “Account”), you expressly represent and warrant that:

2.1.1. you have accepted these Terms of Use;

2.1.2. you are at least 18 years of age (or the age of majority in your country of residence and no younger than 18);

2.1.3. you have the full legal capacity to accept these Terms of Use and enter into a transaction involving Digital Currency (as defined below);

2.1.4. all information and details that you submit to us during the initial registration process, and thereafter (including as part of any use of the Services), are true, current, complete and not misleading and, as appropriate, match the name(s) on the credit/debit card(s) or other payment accounts to be used to receive Fiat Money (defined below) in exchange for the Digital Currency;

2.1.5. your Elitest Stake Wallet is owned and controlled exclusively by you;

2.1.6. you are solely responsible for complying with applicable laws regarding use of the Services;

2.1.7. you shall not share any passwords or private keys for Your Elitest Stake Wallet or your Account;

2.1.8. your use of our Services in the territory from which you are accessing and using the Services and your Account, is in full compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to such territory;

2.1.9. if you use the Services on behalf of a business, corporate or charitable entity, you represent, warrant and agree: (i) that you are duly authorized under any applicable law to represent such entity in connection with these Terms of Use and to commit it to be bound by these Terms of Use; (ii) hereby make all representations and warranties herein on both your and its behalf; and (iii) personally guarantee performance by such entity hereunder; and

2.1.10. you shall not use the Services for any Prohibited Act or in support of any Prohibited User or for any transaction in Prohibited Crypto Assets.

3. Registration and Personal Use of your Account

3.1. The Site is for your own personal and non-commercial use only. You may only open one Account, and you acknowledge that multiple or linked accounts are not allowed.

3.2. You further agree that you will not use any Account other than for your own use, or access the Account of any other registered user (a “Member”) at any time, or assist others in obtaining unauthorized access.

3.3. By registering with us, you agree to provide us with current, accurate, authentic, and complete information about you, which may include without limitations, your name, password, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, ID number, birthdate, taxpayer identification number, personal bank account details, as prompted by the registration and/or verification process, or as prompted at any time following registration, and you are required to keep any such submitted information updated at all times. We may request additional information as necessary, including in the event of any suspicious activity related to your Account.

3.4. Verification Process. We may verify your details, at any time, by requesting certain documents from you. These documents may typically include a government issued identity card, proof of address, such as a utility bill, and proof of your payment method. We may request that copies of such documents are notarized at your own expense, with a stamp and attestation or certification by a public notary. Should the documents fail our internal security checks for any reason, such as upon suspicion of tampering, or due to suspicious or proven misrepresentation, we shall be under no obligation to accept such documents as valid, and under no obligation to provide feedback on the exact nature of our findings with regards to these documents. In addition, we may request that you participate in a phone or video call to verify your identity.

3.5. We may also perform further background checks on you and request any relevant documentation from you for any reason related to your use of the Services and/or as supporting evidence for any information you provide.

3.6. You acknowledge that in order to conduct such verification process and/or background checks, we may perform inquiries, directly or indirectly through third party service providers in the attempt to prevent misidentification, fraud, suspicious activity, money laundering or any other forbidden activity, and may take actions with respect to the outcome of such inquiries, as we deem necessary. You hereby provide us with your authorization for such inquiries, including with respect to a query of your account information.

3.7. The aforementioned notwithstanding, the Company may, at any time, and in its sole discretion, deny you the option to open an Account, limit the Account that you may establish and maintain, or suspend any transaction pending our review of any information submitted by you.

3.8. Confidentiality of your Account. You acknowledge that you are responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of your Account information, including your password, safeguarding your own Digital Currency, and for all activity and transactions that are posted to your Account. You understand that any compromise of your login information may expose your Account to unauthorized access by third parties which may result in loss or theft of Digital Currency or funds from your Account, including linked accounts, such as your linked bank accounts and credit cards.

3.9. Security Alerts. In order to receive security alerts from the Company, you must update the Company with respect to changes in your email address and telephone number. In no event will the Company be held responsible for any damages or losses which you may sustain as a result of compromise of your Account login credentials due to no fault of the Company and/or failure to follow or act upon any notices or alerts that we may send to you. Notwithstanding the above, the Company does not guarantee to provide you with said alerts or to take any other action in this regard, and shall not be held liable for not doing so.

3.10. Misuse. The creation or use of an Account without obtaining our prior express permission will result in the immediate suspension of any such Account, as well as all pending Purchase/Sale offers. Any attempt to do so or to assist others (former registered users or otherwise), or the distribution of instructions, software or tools for that purpose, will result in the Accounts of such users being terminated, without derogating from any other remedy to which the Company may be entitled for such a violation and the Company may take further actions against you.

3.11. You are required to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your Account or password, suspected compromise of your login information, or any other breach of security, by email addressed to support@Elitestake.org.

3.12. We may terminate the Account of any Member who does not comply with our verification or security requests, or otherwise violates the foregoing rules, and such Member may be held liable for losses incurred by the Company or by any third party due to the Member’s non-compliance and/or violation of rules.

3.13. Responsibility for Third Party Acts. Your Account is for your personal use only, and not for the use or access by any third party. In any event, you are fully responsible for all acts or omissions of any third party accessing and/or using your Account.

3.14. You agree that you will not use the Services to perform criminal activity of any sort, including but not limited to, money laundering, financing of terrorism, or malicious hacking, as well as gambling operations. In addition, you warrant not to use methods to conceal the location from which you access the Site and that you will disclose to the Company your accurate and true location. Should the Company determine in its sole discretion that the activity on your Account is suspicious or related to any Prohibited Act or illegitimate operation, the Company may cancel or suspend your Account, block any outstanding transactions, deny any new transactions, and/or freeze any funds available on your Account.

3.15. You agree to receive promotional and/or informational emails from us to the email address you provided in your Account. Such emails will be canceled upon your request using the “unsubscribe” option presented in any such email, when applicable.

3.16. By registering with us and/or using the Site, you confirm that you did not Mine any Digital Currency you offer us for Sale, and that you did not buy any Digital Currency you offer us for Sale from a Miner. For the purposes of this Agreement, “Mine” or “Mining” means the process of using cryptographic hash functions to authorize crypto-transactions, and a “Miner” is a person who performs such Mining.

4. Our Services – Transactional Functions

4.1. Provision of the Services

4.1.1. Purchase of Digital Currency. The Services allow Members to buy from the Company Bitcoin and/or Ethereum and/or any other convertible digital currency (the “Digital Currency” or “Crypto Asset”) that may be available for purchase on the Site from time to time (a “Purchase”).

4.1.2. Sale of Digital Currency. At the Company’s sole discretion, the Company may also elect to allow Members to sell Bitcoin and/or any other Digital Currency to the Company (a “Sale”).

4.1.3. Transactions in Exchange for Fiat Money. Upon successfully opening and establishing your Account following the verification process, you may begin to engage in Purchase and/or Sale transactions of Digital Currency, as applicable, on a per-transaction basis in exchange for USD, EUR, or other fiat currencies as determined by the Company from time to time (collectively and individually, the “Fiat Money”).

4.1.4. No Guarantee of Payment Methods. You may send and/or receive Fiat Money to and from the Company through bank account wire transfers, credit card payment, or a third party processor. However, the Company cannot guarantee that all such payment methods will always be available to you. The availabilityof each payment method depends on several factors, including but not limited to your location, the identification information you have provided the Company, and certain limitations imposed by third party payment processors, if any.

4.1.5. Payments and Transfers. Purchase Payments. You understand and accept the following terms pertaining to any bank wire transfer you send the Company in connection with your Purchase order for Digital Currency: a payment may, in the Company’s sole discretion, not be accepted by the Company if it is made: (i) to a different beneficiary than specified in the payment instructions presented to you when you place your order; or (ii) from a bank account in a name that does not match your name as registered on your Account with the Company, or that otherwise cannot be identifiable to the Company’s satisfaction as yours; in the event the payment actually received into the Company’s bank account, net any applicable bank or administrative fees, is lower than the payment amount required to fulfill your Purchase order, the Company shall, in its sole discretion, either: (i) update and fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the payment amount net fees actually received; (ii) cancel and refund your Purchase order; or (iii) contact you to receive new instructions to amend or cancel your order. in the event the payment actually received into the Company’s bank account, net any applicable bank or administrative fees, is higher than the payment amount required to fulfill your Purchase order, the Company shall either: (i) update and fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the payment amount net fees actually received; (ii) fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the original Purchase order amount and refund the delta; (iii) cancel and refund your Purchase order; or (iv) contact you to receive new instructions to amend or cancel your order Sale Transfers. You understand and accept the following terms pertaining to any Digital Currency transfer you send to the Company in connection with your Sale order:

4.1.3. Transactions in Exchange for Fiat Money. Upon successfully opening and establishing your Account following the verification process, you may begin to engage in Purchase and/or Sale transactions of Digital Currency, as applicable, on a per-transaction basis in exchange for USD, EUR, or other fiat currencies as determined by the Company from time to time (collectively and individually, the “Fiat Money”).

4.1.4. No Guarantee of Payment Methods. You may send and/or receive Fiat Money to and from the Company through bank account wire transfers, credit card payment, or a third party processor. However, the Company cannot guarantee that all such payment methods will always be available to you. The availabilityof each payment method depends on several factors, including but not limited to your location, the identification information you have provided the Company, and certain limitations imposed by third party payment processors, if any.

4.1.5. Payments and Transfers. Purchase Payments. You understand and accept the following terms pertaining to any bank wire transfer you send the Company in connection with your Purchase order for Digital Currency: a payment may, in the Company’s sole discretion, not be accepted by the Company if it is made: (i) to a different beneficiary than specified in the payment instructions presented to you when you place your order; or (ii) from a bank account in a name that does not match your name as registered on your Account with the Company, or that otherwise cannot be identifiable to the Company’s satisfaction as yours; in the event the payment actually received into the Company’s bank account, net any applicable bank or administrative fees, is lower than the payment amount required to fulfill your Purchase order, the Company shall, in its sole discretion, either: (i) update and fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the payment amount net fees actually received; (ii) cancel and refund your Purchase order; or (iii) contact you to receive new instructions to amend or cancel your order. in the event the payment actually received into the Company’s bank account, net any applicable bank or administrative fees, is higher than the payment amount required to fulfill your Purchase order, the Company shall either: (i) update and fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the payment amount net fees actually received; (ii) fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the original Purchase order amount and refund the delta; (iii) cancel and refund your Purchase order; or (iv) contact you to receive new instructions to amend or cancel your order in the event the payment actually received into the Company’s bank account, net any applicable bank or administrative fees, is higher than the payment amount required to fulfill your Purchase order, the Company shall either: (i) update and fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the payment amount net fees actually received; (ii) fulfill the Purchase order in accordance with the original Purchase order amount and refund the delta; (iii) cancel and refund your Purchase order; or (iv) contact you to receive new instructions to amend or cancel your order a transfer may, in the Company’s sole discretion, not be accepted by the Company if it is made: (i) to a different Company Wallet Address than specified in the transfer instructions presented to you when you place your order (however, under these circumstances, the Company may, in its sole discretion, accept such transfer and fulfill your Sale order); or (ii) designating a Bank Account for payment in a name that does not match your name as registered on your Account with the Company, or that otherwise cannot be identifiable to the Company’s satisfaction as yours (however, under these circumstances, the Company may, in its sole discretion, accept such transfer and fulfill your Sale order); in the event the transfer actually received into the Company’s Wallet Address, net any applicable fees, is lower than the transfer amount required to fulfill your Sale order, the Company shall, in its sole discretion, either: (i) update and fulfill the Sale order in accordance with the transfer amount net fees actually received; (ii) cancel and refund your Sale order; or (iii) contact you to receive new instructions to amend or cancel your order. in the event the transfer actually received into the Company’s Wallet Address, net any applicable fees, is higher than the transfer amount required to fulfill your Sale order, the Company shall either: (i) update and fulfill the Sale order in accordance with the transfer amount net fees actually received, provided that the discrepancy is not more than five percent (5%) of the transfer amount required to fulfill your Sale order (i.e., if the Sale order was for 0.1000 BTC, and we received 0.1025 BTC, we will automatically update and fulfill the Sale order for 0.1025 BTC); or (ii) fulfill the Sale order in accordance with the original Sale order amount and refund the delta (i.e., if the Sale order was for 0.1000 BTC, and we received 0.1200 BTC, we will automatically fulfill the Sale order for 0.1000 BTC and refund you 0.0200 BTC). Notwithstanding, in either case, the Company reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, either cancel and refund your Sale order, or contact you to receive new instructions to amend or cancel your order. in the event that you transfer Digital Currency to a Wallet Address other than the Wallet Address specified in the transfer instructions, and such Wallet Address is not a Company Wallet Address, Company shall have no liability whatsoever, including without limitation, have no obligation to complete the Sale order, no obligation to replace the Digital Currency, and no obligation to assist in tracking or recovering such erroneous transfer. You agree that you will not use Sale orders to relay Digital Currency that was attained by you illegally. Additionally, you warrant not to transfer Digital Currency to us that you obtained, directly or indirectly, from unlawful or illegitimate sources, including but not limited to dark market, and mixing platforms, as well as origins connected with money laundering, terrorism or the funding of terrorism, child abuse, scams and fraudulent activity, ransomware, theft, and gambling operations

4.1.6. Delivery of Digital Currency. The Company will use reasonable efforts to deliver the Digital Currency you purchase to you at the earliest commercially reasonable time in accordance with the terms and conditions hereunder. You acknowledge that delivery of the Digital Currency you purchase may be completed separately from the payment process, and it may take time for the Digital Currency transfer to be processed. You also acknowledge that on some occasions, the Company may not be able to fulfill your Purchase order or deliver the Digital Currency as further explained herein. In addition, you understand that we may charge you certain network fees (third party mining fees, etc.) associated with your Purchase order for Digital Currency. In such case, the relevant network fees will be clearly distinguished as a separate fee on your transaction breakdown and will be deducted from the amount of Digital Currency due with respect to your Purchase order.

4.1.7. Payment of Fiat Money. You acknowledge and accept that: (i) the Company will use reasonable efforts to pay the Fiat Money for your Digital Currency Sale to you at the earliest commercially reasonable time in accordance with the terms and conditions hereunder; (ii) payment of the Fiat Money for a Digital Currency Sale may be completed separately from the transfer process, and it may take some time for the Fiat Money transfer to be processed; (iii) on some occasions, the Company may not be able to fulfill your Sale order or transfer the Fiat Money as further explained herein; (iv) for your Sale of Digital Currency to the Company, we will pay Fiat Money to the International Bank Account Number (“IBAN” or “Bank Account”) you provide to us with respect to each of your Sale orders and which you verify with us upon our verification request for each order; (v) such verification request may include, without limitation, verification through email or other electronic means; (vi) in the event you do not verify your Bank Account within 30 days of our sending such verification request to you, we reserve the right to send the relevant Fiat Money to the Bank Account you provided to us upon initiating the applicable order, irrespective of any verification from you; and (vii) once we send Fiat Money to a Bank Account, we will be unable to retrieve that Fiat Money from that Bank Account

4.1.8. Wallet Address. An identifier of alphanumeric characters which represents a possible destination for a Digital Currency payment is a “Wallet Address” (for example, the Wallet Address for Bitcoin is a string of 26 to 35 alphanumeric characters, beginning with the number 1 or 3). You understand and accept that: we shall deliver the Digital Currency you Purchase to the personal digital Wallet Address that you provide to us with respect to each of your Purchase orders (“Your Wallet Address”) and which you will be asked to confirm with respect to each such Purchase order (“Wallet Confirmation Request”). Wallet Confirmation Requests may be issued, without limitation, through email or other electronic means; in the event that you do not confirm Your Wallet Address within 4 (four) days of our sending such Wallet Confirmation Request to you, we may, at our sole discretion, either (i) send you the relevant Digital Currency to Your Wallet Address that you provided to us upon initiating the applicable order (irrespective of its confirmation by you), or (ii) cancel the applicable Purchase order and refund you the relevant Fiat Money; once we send you Digital Currency to Your Wallet Address, we will be unable to retrieve that Digital Currency from that Wallet Address; the Digital Currency on Sale orders shall be delivered by you to the specific Wallet Address that we provide to you with respect to each of your Sale orders.

4.1.9. No Liability for Errors. You acknowledge that the Company will not be liable for any error with respect to the instructions you provide, including without limitation erroneous Wallet Address and/or Bank Account information.

4.1.10. No Guarantee of Value or Liquidity. You understand and accept the risks involved in buying and selling Digital Currency, and specifically your Purchase and Sale of Digital Currency, including the fact that the Company cannot guarantee that any Digital Currency will have, at any time in the future, certain value (if any) or market liquidity. There is no guarantee that you will be able to sell the Digital Currency to any third party at a later time, and in no event will the Company be obligated to purchase from you any Digital Currency, whether bought from the Company or otherwise (See also Section 17, “Risks“).

5.0 Transaction Fees. There may be transaction fees (e.g. mining fees) associated with your Crypto Assets transactions that are required by the virtual currency system or blockchain network that you engage with. You must ensure that you have an adequate balance in your Elitest Stake Wallet and/or “gas” to complete transactions before initiating a transaction. You acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable for any failed transactions or losses you incur due to incorrectly set transaction fees (i.e. too low or too high) or due to insufficient funds or “gas” associated with your Elitest Stake Wallet address. You further acknowledge and agree that we do not have access to your or anyone else’s transactions.

6.0 You acknowledge that, at any time, the Company will be entitled to: (a) suspend your Account and your Access to the Site and the Services, (b) terminate the Terms of Use and your access to the Site and close your Account, (c) refuse processing, cancel or reverse any transaction of Digital Currencies, regardless if corresponding funds have been debited from your payment method; (d) restrict your Account; and/or (e) prohibit access to the Site and its content or tools, delay or remove hosted content, and take technical and legal measures to keep users off the Site, all of the aforementioned for any reason whatsoever, all subject to the Company’s sole discretion, including without limitation as a result of the following: (i) violation of these Terms of Use, including without limitations, failure to pay for any transaction; (ii) attempts to gain unauthorized access to the Site or another Member’s account or to provide assistance to others’ attempt to do so; (iii) the Company has reasonable suspicion that a transaction involves illegal activity, including without limitations, money laundering, financing of terrorism, fraud, or any other crime; (iv) the Company reasonably suspects that your Account or any transaction is related to Prohibited Use or is non-compliant with any applicable laws or regulations; (v) the Company is requested to do so by a court order, law enforcement or other government or regulatory order or if your Account is subject to litigation or investigation; (vi) you abuse the Services provided by the Company, including by opening multiple accounts and/or taking advantages of promotions in bad faith; (vii) any of the Company’s third party providers denies providing you the Services; (viii) the Company believes you are creating problems or possible legal liabilities; (ix) force majeure events, including operational and technical errors; (x) no transaction with respect to the Services has been carried out by you for twelve or more consecutive months; (xii) the Company believes that you adversely affect its reputation; (xiii) the Company reasonably believes that your Account is associated with any account that has been suspended or terminated for breach of the Terms of Use or suspended for any other reason; (xi) you did not provide information upon the request of the Company or the information provided does not meet the Company’s requirements; or (xii) the Company believes your Account and/or transaction does not meet the Company’s risk tolerance.

7.0 Indemnification. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates and service providers, and any of their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, joint ventures, and representatives, from any claims, demands, liabilities, damages, or costs (including attorneys’ fees, fines, or penalties) suffered by the Company and arising out of or related to (i) breach by you of the Terms of Use; (ii) your use of the Site or Services (or any part thereof) or use by any other person accessing the Site or the Services using your user identification, whether or not with your knowledge and/or authorization; or (iii) any violation by you of any law, rule, regulation, or the rights of any third party.

8.0. Modifications to the Terms of Use

8.1 The Company may amend, modify, update and change any of the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use from time to time, including without limitation, as a result of legal and regulatory changes, security reasons and changes to our Services.

9.0 Know-Your-Customer (“KYC”), Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (“CTF”) Procedures

10.0 As part of our commitment to combat financial crimes, we have implemented procedures and systems aimed at allowing us to identify and mitigate the risks our Site and Services being misused for illegal purposes. These include our KYC, AML and CTF procedures, which are based on our collection of information about our Users, the assessment of AML/CTF risks associated with their activities, and the ongoing monitoring of transactions made by them.

10.1 Where we have any suspicion that our business relationship with you, or a specific transaction which you wish to make, involve any risk of money laundering, financing of terrorism or any other financial crime or prohibited activity, we may, at our sole discretion, refuse to accept you as a customer, terminate any engagement with you, refuse to process any transaction, and take any other action we deem necessary, including reporting our suspicion to the competent legal authorities. We will not be obligated to inform you of any such action we choose to take, nor to provide you any explanation of our reasons for taking them or for our suspicions.

10.2 For the purpose of conducting the abovementioned checks, we may collect certain personal information about you, either from you or from external sources. Any such information about you shall be kept and utilized in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By making any use of the Site and the Services you represent and warrant that all information provided by you to us is correct, accurate and complete, and explicitly consent to the collection of additional information about you from third parties, including financial and credit institutions, governmental authorities and external databases.

10.3 The trading of goods and products, real or virtual, as well as virtual (digital) currencies, involves significant risks. Prices can fluctuate on any given day. Due to such price fluctuations, you may increase or lose value in your assets at any given moment. Any currency, virtual or not, may be subject to large or sudden shifts in value and may even become worthless. There is an inherent risk that losses will occur as a result of buying, selling or trading anything on a market. You should be aware that the risk of loss in trading or holding Digital Currencies can be substantial.
10.4. Digital Currency trading also has special risks not generally shared with official currencies or goods or commodities in a market. Unlike most currencies, which are backed by governments or other legal entities, or by commodities such as gold or silver, Digital Currency is a unique kind of currency, backed by technology and trust. There is no central bank or government regulator that can take corrective measures to protect the value of the Digital Currency in a crisis, issue more currency, or balance the price fluctuations.
10.5. Instead, Digital Currency is an autonomous and largely unregulated worldwide system of currency firms and individuals. Traders and market participants put their trust in a digital, decentralized and partially anonymous system that relies on peer-to-peer networking and cryptography to maintain its integrity. Thus, the value of Digital Currency may be derived from the continued willingness of market participants to exchange Fiat Currency for Digital Currency, which may result in the potential for the permanent and total loss of value of a particular Digital Currency should the market for that Digital Currency disappear.

customer Service

11.0. if you are in Africa your are required to reach a total deposit up to $700 to $1000 in your wallet before you can withdraw to any external wallet. You hereby expressly consent to us using the contact details provided by you on registration to occasionally contact you directly in relation to your use of the Services or any other products or services offered by us from time to time. If you have any questions, feedbacks or complaints, you may contact Company via Company’s customer support at support@Elitestake.org. Please provide identifying information such as your name, address, and any other information that the Company may need to identify you, your Account, and/or the transaction on which you have feedback, questions, or complaints.

11.1 For service quality assurance, calls made by you to the customer service department may be recorded. We will not tolerate any abusive behavior exhibited by users of the Services to our employees. In the event we deem that your behavior, via telephone, live chat, email or otherwise, has been abusive or derogatory towards any of our employees, we shall have the right to close your Account with us and terminate the Terms of Use and such act will be considered as a breach of the Terms of Use by you.

11.2 English Language Controls. Any translation of the Terms of Use, if provided, is provided for your convenience alone. The meanings of terms, conditions and representations herein are subject to definitions and interpretations in the English language. Any translation provided may not accurately represent the information in the original English.

11.2 If you have any questions or comments concerning these Terms, please contact Coinmama through the contact information posted in the Site. ———————— Last revision: 28 November 2023

Elite Stake